Friday, April 12, 2013

You know, it occurs to me that as I've claimed that I shall ramble here that that means I can pretty much post any darned thing I want to whenever I feel like it and it will still totally fit.




I've just given my brain an internet vomrom (Sorry for the inside reference if you happen not to be in on it. I'd explain but it's almost inexplicable. There was a dog's vagina involved though, if that helps).

Currently, my brain is rather impressed by the way that Josh (should you happen to be an internet friend I haven't met yet, Josh is my boyfriend) can take up the entirety of our queen sized bed with almost zero effort. It makes me almost feel guilty that the poor thing ever has to try and share the space with me. But then I remember that when he has to share the space it means that he's getting to sleep with me and then I stop feeling sorry for him.


  1. I confess I am rather looking forward to exploring your brain.

  2. That's highly adventurous of you. I recommend you use the buddy system for safety reasons.
