Monday, April 15, 2013

Quiet day in my brain today.

Well, technically yesterday since it's just after midnight, but whatever. Probably the biggest thing that happened is that the neighbor upstairs had her car towed. I'm pretty sure it was repossessed. Josh was outside having a smoke when it happened and he went upstairs to let her know and apparently she seemed surprised at first but then seemed to figure out what was going on. I believe she's fairly recently divorced. She's about five years older than me and has a fairly young daughter (pre-teen) who visits but seems to primarily live with her dad. She also has a boyfriend who is always there when her daughter isn't.

Purely based on speculation and personal experience, I'm guessing the car getting towed can probably be traced directly back to the divorce somehow. It really sucks how ending a relationship can absolutely tank you financially. Like these things aren't already hard enough. Boo. I feel bad for her and I hope she can work things out and get her car back.

On another note, I just made it through my Tumblr dash, which I recently started checking again. Out of everything on there, I think this struck me the most:

It's basically a post about how some poly people seem to be treating the whole thing as some sort of game or something and treating a third person as somehow less than equal. I really don't understand that as a concept. That kind of behavior really strikes me as being way less about love and way more about sex. Which is fine as long as everyone is up front about it and willingly chooses it. But if you're being dishonest about it that's just cruel.

I really want a blueberry muffin all the sudden. Maybe I'll make some when Josh wakes up. Then we could eat them with some corned beef hash and maybe some eggs. I'm making myself really hungry which is not at all helpful right now. We only went to bed a little over five hours ago. Josh isn't going to be up and ready to eat for hours. I'm sure I'll have to wander into the kitchen and try to very quietly find something to eat in the dark. Times like these make me wish it was possible to close off the kitchen completely or at least a little bit. One of the disadvantages of a studio apartment. Oh well. It's really such a first world kind of a problem. "Woe is me, my totally safe, climate controlled, modern environment just doesn't let me turn on lights and make noise without disturbing the other occupant." I'm such a whiner.

Hmm, what else? I've seen two pics of my daughter from her senior prom so far. She spray tanned beforehand and she's really dark. I avoided making any Jersey Shore comments directly to her but it was tough. As usual though, she's totally gorgeous. I still don't know where she gets it from. I'm amazingly proud of her. Considering all the crap she's had to deal with between me and her dad she'd certainly have an excuse to be a screw up or to be angry at is but she's the exact opposite. She's totally together and just as sweet as a bag of sugar dipped in chocolate.

Mkay, I think that might be it for now. I should probably go and check for jobs for a while and see if I can accomplish anything. Ciao!

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