Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm baaaaack.

I guess I got distracted with other things and then I slipped into a couple of days where I didn't have anything nice to say and I didn't really feel like using this to whine but that seems to have passed so here I am again.

I got a call yesterday from someone who wants to interview me for a real job. Regular, full-time, day hours and everything. It's a front desk position at what seems to be a very small, very primitive (no website and apparently no contact email even) staffing agency. So I'd be doing things like answering phones, dealing with initial employee visits, data entry, filing, all that jazz. I honestly don't remember applying for the job and I've never heard of the company so it's a little weird but on the other hand, no huge corporate hoops to jump through in the hiring process, I'll be interviewed by the staffing agency people who tend to be less uptight about interviews and things, and the job is in walking distance. If I get it, I think it would all be pretty good. On the other hand, it also means that I'd be working in a tiny office with people that I'd have to get along with or else, I'd be out front so I'd feel exposed all the time, and of course, I'd have to deal directly with the public. But if it was all fun and games they wouldn't pay me to do it so I'd just have to deal with it.

At least it seems like the whole thing will probably be decided one way or the other fairly quickly which is a good thing. The interview is Monday morning so I don't have a lot of time to torture myself thinking about it and that can only help. I guess we'll see how things go.

Yesterday my son turned 13. I didn't actually talk to him since we just don't do phones and things. I'm fine in person but I'm just not good at the distance thing. Bleh. I'm sure he had a good day anyway and I'll see him next month and make up for it somehow. Selfishly, I also realized that since the beginning of the month I haven't been wracking up back child support on my daughter and I only have five more years of it for my son. It's been 11 years already so I'm very ready for it to be over.

Sunday is my two-year anniversary with Josh. It's kind of an arbitrary anniversary though. It's the day I got to Utah but since there were sexy times that day, I decided that made it sort of official. Really all it means is that it's an official excuse to think about how lucky I am to be with him and how very much I love him. So that's nice. I pretty much do that every day though, even without an excuse. I don't need one with him.

I decided the other day that Josh and I should buy a piece of land and raise goats. I think it would be a pretty awesome thing for the two of us to do together. Apparently raising them for meat is the highest profit margin but I don't think I really have what it takes to send the cute little things off to slaughter. I'd like to go the dairy route but there are a lot of restrictions on that type of operation. The easiest way to go would probably be to raise them for fiber. So either Angoras, Pygoras (a cross between a Pygmy and an Angora), Nigoras (a cross between Nigerians and Angoras which would also mean milk production), or Cashmeres. Of those options, I think my preference would be the Nigoras. You can start your own herd by getting a few Angora does and a Nigerian buck and off they go making little Nigoras. Too cool.

Also, if you raise goats, you totally get to buy yourself a llama because they serve to guard the herd from coyotes. And how could you not want a llama? So yeah, that's my latest crazy idea. I guess we'll see.

I think that about covers things for now so I guess I'll quit writing things.


  1. Happy belated anniversary! How did the interview go?

  2. Happy belated anniversary! How did the interview go?
